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Challenging and encouraging young people
LEWA Attendorn was founded in 1928 as an apprentice training facility. Since then, one focus of our work has been the training of young employees of other companies in the industrial-technical field. Every year, around 220 apprentices undergo individual training courses or complete years of theoretical and practical training with us. The advantage: our experience as a training specialist, our knowledge and our complete, modern infrastructure.
State of the art
Yes, we have apprentices working on workpieces. Also. That's the only way to understand what precision in the hundredths range means. In addition, we rely on state-of-the-art technology. Take a look at our training workshops, laboratories and seminar rooms. For example, our trainees learn precise welding using augmented reality. The CNC machining centres for learning are smaller than those in production, but just as up-to-date. We invest and modernize continuously to show our trainees the way to the future right from the start.
Experience plus empathy
Those who pass on knowledge and skills during their training with us know what they are doing. Our trainers have practical experience and are in close contact with our specialists in production, construction and administration. The close relationship to practice is continuously guaranteed, whereby we keep up with the times in terms of content and didactics. Beyond the technical aspects, we have an attitude and a mission that we live up to. Enabling the future. We keep an eye on each and every trainee in order to be able to challenge and promote talents and abilities. Empathy is also important for this.