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Packaging fulfils different functions: They have to protect the product during storage and transport, be attractively designed for the customer and at the same time advertise the manufacturer. Which material - cardboard or plastic, for example - is used always depends on the goods that are being packaged. As a packaging technologist, you are familiar with the different materials and know which properties are suitable for which packaging. Printing or varnishing packaging is also part of everyday work.

1st apprenticeship year

  • Basic course in metal technology

2nd apprenticeship year

  • Pneumatik
  • Elektropneumatik


Always responsive

You have a question, are facing a challenge, need information or would simply like to get to know LEWA Attendorn. Give us a call or send us an email! One of our specialists is there for you and will be happy to help you.

Anna Tregub

Commercial Training Manager

Personnel Development Officer

Phone: +49 2722 66-128


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Anna Tregub

Tel: +49 2722 66-128

Monday to Thursday 8-12 a.m. and 13-15 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
